So, it’s a beautiful, warm fall day here in the midwest and I am sitting in my favorite chair, looking at a breathtaking view of beginning fall foliage change in STL. Yet…my heart is beating fast and my mouth is dry and I’m feeling full of fear …like a total impostor, because…I have just started writing this post. Fear creeps up in the form of questions and a complete feeling of inadequacy…
“Who in the world do you think you are?”
“Why would anyone listen/care what you have to say?”
“Nothing you have to say is significant enough to bother to post on blog.”
And so on. Sound familiar to anyone else?? I’m betting on it.
Truth is, I have wanted to start a blog for some time now. In fact, that little voice in my head has said for years “Write. Just write.”, but I didn’t (wouldn’t) listen. I ignored that voice, followed my fears, and went about years of the business of life – always with it in the back of my mind. So, why now you ask? Well, for a lot of reasons, but it started with purposefully pouring positive influences into my head. I read a handful of amazing books and began to listen regularly to motivational podcasts (I’ll share soon). Those starter moves have made feel just brave enough to step out here a bit.
Also: regret. I cannot stand the feeling of regret. Such an itchy, sticky feeling. So, here I am. Blogging. Weird. Very scary – but I’m going to do it anyway. I hope you stick around and join me for the ride! And if you have been reluctant to chase that dream that has been whispering to you for a while, I hope you’ll find a little inspiration. Life is too good and too short not to go toward the things that we love and are passionate about. Let’s see what can happen when we really step out and pursue the dreams that are quietly whispering, shall we?
Let’s shall.
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